01.03.18: by:Larm: Carla dal Forno (AU) + Tom Rogerson (UK) + The Harvey Steel Show (NO)


The Harvey Steel Show (NO)
Kl. 20.00-20.30 | by:Larm-event | Facebook-event | Underskog-event

The Harvey Steel Show combine music with theatre and fine art, and the result is a joyous noise both visually and musically – portraying alternative realities and with a non-linear approach to time. They perform their ever morphing psychedelic gospel jazz music while pushing their motto: no guns, no hatred, no war.

Tom Rogerson (UK)
Kl. 21.00-21.30 | by:Larm-event | Facebook-event | Underskog-event

Tom Rogerson is a composer, improvising pianist and keyboardist, and the founder of experimental electronic-rock band Three Trapped Tigers. He has collaborated with numerous artists, as well as pursuing his own solo piano career, and running Proof Positive; an influential improvisation night in London. In the end of 2017, Rogerson did a collab album with ambient icon Brian Eno titled Finding Shore. Pitchfork described the collab as ‘an unusual fusion of acoustic and electronic ideas – a meeting of minds that is full of rewarding surprises’ (8 out of 10).

Carla dal Forno (AU)
Kl. 22.00-22.45 | by:Larm-event | Facebook-event | Underskog-event

Psychedelic folk delivered with (post-)punk economy. Drifting in space while still tethered to the ground. Astral tones blurred with earth sounds: wood, bone, breath, skin, dirt. Ending and beginning, dying and becoming. Longing for adventure and an unquiet life. Struggling to get out of bed. This is the essence of Carla dal Forno, following time in cult Melbourne group Mole House and an earlier association with the Blackest Ever Black label as a member of Fingers and Tarcar.